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What is included in my registration fee?

~ CanSkate/ KidSkate / PreCanPower / JumpStart

All ice and coaching fees are included in your registration fee.

~  Junior / STARSkate

Ice time is included in your registration fee.


Is there a mandatory volunteer requirement?

~ KidSkate / CanSkate / PreCanPower / JumpStart / Junior / STARSkate

As a volunteer organization, we also need as much help as we can get in order to keep the club running and maintain a quality program for our skaters. As such, it is MANDATORY for these skate families to volunteer.


What is the fundraising commitment?

In order to make fundraising accessible and convenient for as many families as possible we offer several different kinds of fundraisers throughout the year. We work on a points based system and if you are short of points you can purchase the shortfall for $10 per point.

Please visit the fundraising page for complete details regarding the fundraising.

~ KidSkate / CanSkate/ PreCanPower

At these levels, it is optional to participate in fundraising efforts.  If you choose to fundraise, you can earn points towards the following seasons program fees.

~ JumpStart / Junior / STARSkate

Skate families with this level of skaters are required to fundraise a minimum of $250 per year (per skater).


I am required to work the casino. If I cannot or do not show up what will happen?

If you are a Junior or STARSkate family you are REQUIRED to work the casino as part of your registration. If you do not sign up or do not show up there is a $250 penalty.  NOTE: There is NO Casino for the 2018/2019 season.


What do I do if I or my skater has a problem with the Coaching Staff?

If you or your skater have a concern with the Coaching Staff we ask that you take the following steps:

  1. WAIT 24 hours. We ask that you wait 24 hours before you reach out to the coach to discuss your concern. We are passionate about our kids and when there is a problem or conflict we often become emotionally charged therefore we ask that you wait 24 hours before reaching out.
  2. After you the 24 hour period, we encourage you to email the coach and/or coach liaiason ( with your concern and cc the DSC President.
  3. It is our hope that the skate family and the coach/liaiason can resolve the problem however, if that is not the case then the DSC President will facilitate a meeting between the Coach and the Skate Family.
  4. If there is no resolution after the meeting, then the Skate Family has the option of attending the next Board Meeting. It is the Skate Families responsibility to notify the DSC secretary of their desire to attend so that they may be added to the agenda.


What if my skater is preparing for a competition or would like additional private lessons?

Junior and STARSkate families can request additional private lessons over and above those allotted with their registration. In order to do this the Skate Family would notify the coach of their desire and the Coach will find a suitable time slot for the skater.


  • Skate families who request additional lessons will be asked to sign a contract outlining their request.
  • Private lesson fees are based on 15-minute lesson times.
  • All private lessons over and above those included in your registration fee will be invoiced over and above your registration fees.
  • All fees are payable directly to the coach.


If I sign up for 5 days a week can I forego the ice time and just tack on the additional coaching to one of my other skate days? 

No. If you sign up to skate 5 days a week then your lessons will be spread out across those 5 days. Our coaches work tirelessly to ensure that they plan their weeks based on the number of skaters each day. If you just want additional lessons we recommend that you discuss this with the Coach and set up a Coaching Contract for extra coaching.


What if my child is sick or misses a class?

We understand that life is filled with many uncertainties. We ask that you notify the coach 7 days in advance if you are going to be away (ie. Family vacation) and no less than 4 hours in advance if the skater is ill or there is an emergency. If there is no correspondence with the Coach regarding the absence we may not be able to accommodate a make up.

Skaters are allowed to make up for missed lessons, within reason. If lessons are missed on a regular basis the Coach may request a meeting with the Skate family to discuss a scheduling alternative.


What if I register for a skate day and find out later that it conflicts with another extra circular activity?

We recognize that this happens frequently and as such we are offering our Skaters greater flexibity this season. If you run into a scheduling conflict and need to change your skating days to something other than you registered for we ask that you send the Registrar AND the Coach an email 14 prior so that the Coach can amend the schedule. While we cannot GUARANTEE that you can switch days we will do our very best to accommodate all requests.


My child HATES skating, can I get a refund?

~ CanSkate/ KidSkate/ PreCanPower/ CanPower

If your child gets on the ice and hates every minute of it you may cancel your registration after the first class for a full refund.

~ JumpStart /Junior/STARSkate

Skaters in this level can take 3 classes before deciding if this is for them. If after the third lesson they choose to withdraw they can do so and will be issued a full refund.

Outside of this there will be NO REFUNDS issued for skaters who withdraw.


If I have more than one child in your program how much fundraising and volunteering is required?

We understand that if you have more than one or two children in a family it is more difficult to complete the volunteering and fundraising obligations. As such we offer families with multiple children the following option.

~ Volunteering is one 3 hour shift per family per season.

~Fundraising is maxed out at 3 skaters per family (within the same household).  If there are more than 3 skaters, there will not be additional fundraising requirements beyond the three.






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